
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

My first go at Grasshopper, and I seem to have hit a snag I cannot figure out. I am guessing there is something about object trees I do not understand ... despite watching David Rutten’s excellent video tutorial. I have two surfaces that have similar points in X and Y but cross in Z; and I wish to remove this crossover by pushing the one surface under the other surface in the areas where they cross. I rebuild the two surfaces to have the same number of points, I pull the points from each surface (SDivide), deconstruct the points on each surface (pDecon), sort the Z values of points on the respective surfaces, and then try to reverse the process to reconstruct a new surface with the sorted Z values (Pt & SrfGrid). The results of each step seem reasonable to me, but I get an error on the final SrfGrid operator (“The Ucount value is not valid for this number of points”). I am perplexed...any suggestions on the fix? I attach the 3dm and gh files if case anyone is willing to have a look and advise. Thanks.


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Hi, Brian.

You should flatten point data tree on "p" input and add 1 to "U" input count for Surface from points component.

Many thanks Hyungsoo!

Modified field works great!


Taking my previous question one step further, does anyone know how to get if specific points are selected on a surface from rhino into grasshopper. That is, as above I wish to remove overlap between two selected surfaces, each surface with the same arrangement of points in x,y but not z.  But now I wish to remove surface overlap only if points on the surface are selected. Not sure if I am being clear, but what I guess I need is a yes/no list for each point is as too if it is or is not selected...but I can not seem to find that type of option in Grasshopper. I would be grateful for any advice.






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