
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

when the Remote Control Panel will be available again?
Maybe it is in the 0.7.0037?
Is this the last version available?
When I search for the last version of Grasshopper in the Download/Work-in-Progress it never show the last. How it is possible? Now it shows the 0.6.0057 that is even earlier than the last Current Build!!

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Here you go Francesco.
thanks Luis!
This is 0.7.0037 right? And in this the Remote Control Panel works again?
no, the remote control panel is under construction last I heard...
yes, it is 0.7.0037...

Is it still under construction ???
The remote control panel?

When I click on View-> the Remote control Panel is disabled (I can not click on it).

btw I am using 0.8.0066.

It never came back since it was disabled.

Thank you for the reply Michael.

What exactly did it (the Remote control panel) do?

I know the term is a bit clear by it's name already, but still, is there an example which shows what Remote control panel exactly does?

It was a separate pop up window which held all slider controls throughout the definition.

Thank you once again.

It's a pitty, it was awesome the time it exist :( You could try to replace it using OSC or other protocols and some external interface (Processing, Android, MIDI keyboard,...)

The best of this post: remember the old name for Grasshopper: Explicit History :) 

I do not own all those you mentioned in the first part :)

The first version of Grasshopper was named: "Explicit History" ?

Oh, I see. Thanks.







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