
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Reiterating Custom geometry curve over many points

I am trying to iterate a custom form I have drawn. It is a curve and I am trying to place one curve per point. I can do it with a circle however custom geometry is not working. I also want to see if there is a way to orient my geometry to all face a specific point. I.e rotating it to face said point. I would do it manually however I would have to do it 25,000 times and honesty, who wants to do that.



Views: 1166

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You might have to break up the curve if its a polyline. Feed "t" parameters from curve divisions into hframes/pframes and use "orient" to put the target geometry into place.

your method worked perfectly the only thing I did differently was plug points directly into T on the p. ref. Now I just need to figure out how to rotate the objects to face certain points






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