
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys, 

I am trying to impose a regular grid point onto  a irregular face surface. So far I have achieved it however there are points along the 2 edges of the irregular surface. Is there a way to get rid of them ?

Many thanks guys :D


Views: 1980


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Duc,

Try this.

You have to deconstruct your surface to find its edges, and then test if the points are inside/outside/coincident to the edge curve using point in curve component.

Hi Ibrahim, 

Thank you so muhc for replying. I have tried out and somehow the edge points are still there. also EQUALS seems to ask for B input. 

Did i do anything wrong ?

The output R of "point in curve" component is 0 if point is inside curve, 1 if coincident, and 2 if outside. If you test the equality R to 1 (meaning B input of equal component is 1) then you will have a list of true/false pattern to dispatch your list of points accordingly.

The warning you are getting is because the B input of the equality component is empty (should be 1).

Oh oh I got it now. Thanks so much Ibrahim . 







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