
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm loving how every day I'm managing to work out more things by myself but sometimes I find myself stuck with what are supposed to be very simple problems..

here's what's going on:

I have several surfaces on different levels,

every surface has the same exact levels (on Z),

and because of their size on some levels they could unite in a bigger surface...

I'm struggling with a region union before baking my work...  region union is just uniting one of the levels but not every one with intersections...

before it didn't even intersect one, after  setting the levels using the area center as a plane I thought i had made it work but no...

hope someone can help out,


here's the definition

after the region union I'm trying to be able to bake together, the sectiones that were joined and the ones that didn't find any intersection, leaving out the ones that were "joined" together.

Views: 1352


Replies to This Discussion

Hi. I'm glad you find a way.
I'm not sure this is of some help, anyway you can check if you want.
According to this approach, there are 41 sets of curves which have the same level, and after the region union operation, only 26 valid unions left.


hii! hyungsoo I will definitely check it out tomorrow, thank you so much for the reply...

i was busy all day finishing these are the results...

in the next month I will do some other intersection works with new data so I'm sure all the approaches i can find will help me deal with it.


Wow, that is incredible, thank you co much






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