
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, just starting to learn Grasshopper and I have a problem with Region Difference module.  I wish all the curves in the list looked like this first in the viewport.  I do not know how to create lists for Region Difference.  Please help.

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You need to use shift component.

A shifted list will be a list where each circle is "what to subtract from" to each circle in your original list.

Region Difference component works with lists of curves (a curve could be subracted with many curves, or also many-many), so we have to graft A and B input, making every single circle in list A to works "alone" only with his corresponding circle in list B.

As the shift component is wrapped=true (and should), the last circle will "work" with the first, and, due not intersecting, will remain a full-circle.

(in your picture you are using list item; look at the wires type, you made Region Difference work only with 1 circle in A and 1 circle in B; list item is to take 1 item from a list at a 0-based index. you want to work with many objects, so you should expect (and want) to "feed" Region Difference component with 2 LISTS, A and B... )

Thank you very much.  I need to read more about Data Trees.  You know maybe some good tutorial about Data Trees in Grasshopper?

Ugh, nope...

But probably there are a lot of samples/examples... I would just search with google...

I did learn just by trying and trying... by don't giving up

Follow the forum here to "copy" and learn as much as possible...

And when you can't do something, try to search if someone had the same problem, search a discussion with few "smart" tags. XD

Otherwise try to post a simple, concise but detailed question here in the forum (and remember attachment) and a reply will come fast (faster if there are attachments :D )

This is a final version of my definition, which creates a Ring Palisade along curve.I think someone come in handy.  :)

Thanks Riccardo


Small fix, because Loft module don't generate some surfaces when the line is straight.  Helped Rebuild option in Loft.  Below fixed version definition.







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