
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All, 

I am just starting to use python in grasshopper and looking for some help. So I have a list of points in grasshopper and eventually I want to sort out the points based on their coordinates and cull the duplicates. I am trying to write a python definition for this. I am not able to understand how can I read each point and store it in an array. I tried list.append function with a for loop but eventually I either get only the last point or the entire list. Any help would be appreciated. 


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Hi Apoorv,

Take a look at this topic, it offers an answer to your question.

There are two solutions present there: one which only culls the duplicates and another which both culls the duplicates and outputs their indices.


thanks for your reply. That was helpful. however, i am looking for a slightly different solution. I think I explained wrong last time. So, I have a list of points (693 total). I want to read them in the python component, and store then in an array so that I can take each point one by one (using a loop), and compare the x,y,z coordinates with the point next next in line. based on the comparison, the value of a counter will be incremented or remain same. Eventually I want to cull the duplicate entries. 

Its more of a python learning exercise for me. Thanks for the help! 

You can set a flow control (if ...) and then use continue statement ( it stops further progress of looping and moves the control back to the top of the loop - which will in case of your for (or while if you add i += 1 before "continue") increment the i)






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