
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I was wondering...

It sounds silly, but I need to do that!   I have numbers in a list like 1.520029 they are the length of a group of curves  and I would like to have only 3 or 2 decimals... is that possible?  or is attempting with the precision of grasshopper??

Views: 4087

Replies to This Discussion

Maybe this will help:



Hey!  thank you that is exactly what I need!   but do you have any idea why is only working in the first 28 numbers??  I have like 1500 curves

... because the number 29 has only 3 items.. (1.5)   generates an error and stops working for the rest

EDIT: I have just read your second reply. I apologize.
Do what Erick told you, definitively.

I am not sure why is that happening. Here is an example with 1500 curves. It works at my place.

Probably the best solution is what Erick told you. He is an expert in grasshopper.


take a look this discussion about rounding.

thanks I'll check it right now






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