
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i need to do the following: i need to tile triangles based on an attractor. Its a little bit easier to understand with a picture -> see attachment (red dot represents the attractor)

Is there any way to achieve this without scripting? Or if i need to script anything, where should i loo for help? Or how do i start with this definition?!

Thank you so much!

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Use Weaverbird for subdivisions.


Hekki J,

mesh+ has an attractor subdivision component.



Thank you guys so much!!!

I understood what you have done there, but i have another Problem: what i get from this is a buch of straight lines - pretty much unsorted. Is there any way to get the Triangles itselfe out of this? So that i can continue working with them? (for example extruding them etc?)

because right now i have no clue how to get the list in order so that i can work with it... 

So what i am trying right now is to get a list of not lines, but triangles... 

Any Help? 


Use faces polylines instead of mesh edges of weaverbird. Then make extrusion or thicken mesh. But extrusion always takes time to calculate.

You are truly a great helper!

Thank you! 

I think i have only one last question (wich i think is easy to solve, but i just cannot do it ;) )

I understood the remapping in the beginning. But it remaps within the given domain (wich is set manually with the slider in the beginning). 

What if i only want numbers dividable by 2 after remap and then int? - so that the triangles only get tiled in a certain way?

(see screenshot?)

Thanks thanks thanks!!!


So in short ;) how to round the numbers accordingly to the attached screenshot....

Ok, got it!

i devided the value by 2 and then through a int node multiplied it by 2. It worked ;)



i came to a point where i think i need to script the recursion. The Problem is, that when i use subdivision, the existent geometry is getting subdivided according to the distance of the attractor. And not (how i need it) all the resulting triangles subdivided according to the distance of the attractor. (see screenshot).

Is there any other way to get rid of the triangulation based of the original geometry but more like "real recursive triangulation" of the resulting geometry ;) ?

Any Help would be just amazing!!! Thank you all!






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