
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, I just have a simple question about how to perform multiple re-scaling of an object to occur along a curve...For example how do I increase the scale the first 6 steps, then decrease the scale the following 5 steps, and then increase the scale for the next 4 steps etc...(much like a wave but not consistent like sine curves, more irregular undulation).

Do I have to create lists?

Thanks for any feedback   

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If you want to have an individual scaling factor for each copy of your object, then you will need a list of those exact values. That's the basic idea of how Grasshopper works.

What's in those lists and how to best generate them is up to you. Usually there are several different ways.

Thanks Hannes, I will play a little with that. One of the main things I am looking into is experimenting with modules manipulations to create furniture designs.






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