
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I want to create a random pattern of 2" and 6" horizontal boards on a wall.

So here are my thoughts, although I don't know how to start off doing steps 3 and 4

There might also be a better method

1) Create surface for wall (can be done manually)

2) Get vertical edge curve (can be done manually)

3) Divide curve randomly into 2" and 6" segments

4) Put a segment of predetermined length after each 2 or 6 inch segment (say 1/4") for reveals

5) get end points of segments

6) generate horizontal curves based on length of the surface's horizontal edge curve

7) split original surface with new curves

8) move reveals backward a certain distance opposite of original surfaces normal

9) extrude reveal curves backward the same distance so the 2" and 6" boards appear solid

I'm going for an effect similar to the boards in this image

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this is as far as I feel like I can go.


This could be one way.

There might be another way of doing this using "shatter" or whatever...

You can change as many input pattern as you want. Best.


this works perfectly, thanks Hyungsoo!

I tweaked it to work on a selected surface (only works on simple rectangle though)






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