
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to take a set of tubes, bent at specific radii, and then create a "sheet" from them. For instance let's say I have 2 different radius tubes, call them 1 and 2. I want to make a sheet out of them, say 50 tubes in a row of type1, then 50 tubes of type 2, and then I want to "blend" the junction, so that, for instance, the tubes might go:




I hope that explains it, I want a semi-random but progressive blend between them.


So I've been looking at sequences, and I think I can do it with some jitter and so on, but it seems onerous. Is there some easier approach that I'm missing (as is often the case)?


Maybe this is a case that is crying out for a script?

Thanks for any pointers.


Dave Johnson

Views: 224

Replies to This Discussion

Sounds like Jitter is exactly what you need. Are you not happy with the random transition you get?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia



I'm still experimenting, so I can't tell yet if I'm happy with it :-) I thought it prudent to get the question out there early, in case I am being a doofus...


Unless I misunderstand, though, Jitter will shuffle things around uniformly across its domain, rather than blending progressively from one to the other, is that correct?


I'll play around some more and see what I come up with. Thanks, as always, for the prompt reply.






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