
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all,

i just want to random select curves from the last element. at the end I want to have 3-4 different sized (scale) traiangles.

I was thinking to add 3-4 different random select elements and rescale every group with slider.

just need help with random selection.


Views: 1063


Replies to This Discussion

Hi bbozic,

If you want one random sub-set you can use [Random Reduce] component.

If you want more sub-sets you could use [jitter] to shuffle your list and then use something like [Partition List] or [Sub List] with multiple domain inputs to split it into multiple lists.

Another way (in case you don't want to mess up the order of the triangles inside your list) is to create a shuffled list of numbers (scale factors) with a list size equal to the number of triangles and use this to scale all triangles.



thanks so much,

i reduce selection with number slider and now it looks like, how is possible to

randomly resize triangles. somehow with min and max scale values?

please help.


actualy, now i would like to have 3 different traingle sizes.

i add 3 groups and everygroup is created from previous one with few reduced triangles.

i would like to have big size (group one -scale as is now), middle size (group two-scaled 20%), small size (group three-scaled 35%) traingles.

please help.


anyone please?


Take a look at the attached definition.

What it does:

1. Create a list with n 1's (n is the number of triangles and 1 is the scale factor in order to keep the triangles as they are)

2. Replace some of the 1's of this list with other values (ex. 80 of them with 0.8 and 70 of them with 0.6)

3. Shuffle this list with [Jitter] component

4. Scale all the triangles with these values (the triangles that scale with a factor of 1 will not change of course)

Hope this is clear, tell me if you have any questions,

cheers, Nikos







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