
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,..
Does any one know how to find random points in a volume, like in any fluid form,. ?

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Easiest way would be to make the Bounding box of the volume and put random points in that, then use the 'inside' component to test pts for inclusion in the volume, and cull those that aren't
Hi Krish,

a while ago there was a discussion regarding distirbuting random points inside a custom volume while making sure that no two points are closer than x units. I cannot find it now, but I ended up writing a VB component to solve this.

If you do not care about point-proximity, then it becomes a much easier problem. Simply generate a box of random points (using 3 random components to control the x, y and z coordinates of a list of points) and then remove all the points that fail the inside/outside.

Just be sure to pick different seed values for all your random generators, otherwise you'll end up with the same random sequence three times.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Thanks daniel and david,..
I tried as you suggested,.. i am stuck at the end,.. about how to remove the points which are not inside the volume,.
Can u check the GH & rhino and let me know how to remove them,..
And also i have a general doubt about the random points,.. No matter wat ever seeds im giving for X,Y,Z,.. im able to find some pattern in those points in some or the other views, i mean they are not completly random, do you know why,.? may be i should post some images to be more clear about wat im saying,..?
Thank you
I have one more Question,..
I am trying to get a pattern/series of numbers,.. Can u see the image and let me know how can i achieve that series of numbers,.??
Use the 'mass addition' component under scalar -> util.
The 'Pr' output will return what you are looking for.
got it,.. thanks a lot,...
Hey vicente,
Do u know how to remove a list of points that come under 'false' after using "inside/outside" component?
I was trying to find random points in a volume, so i used bounding box and then inside/outside component, but after this how to remove all the 'false' points that are outside the volume,.?

I am really need to know how to make sure that no two points are closer than X units in GH..haha..

and i google a lot and here is the only answer.. 

I wanna distirbuting random points. and I wanna know how to make sure that no tow points closer than X..

Thanks a lot..if you have a solution:)






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