
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a question regarding random number generation in Grasshopper. Based on the project "Random Walk" by Daniel A. Becker ( and the chapter on "Pseudo Random Number Generators" I was wondering what algorithm is used to create the (pseudo) random numbers in Grasshopper. I created a Grasshopper definition following Daniel's setup to find out if there is any discernable pattern in the creation of the random numbers in Rhino. I personally wasn't able to see a pattern; does that mean the algorithm at work is "Mersenne Twister"?

Many thanks!

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Hello Tobias,
Digging a bit, I found this I am assuming that the Random Number component is based on the .net random class... again its an assumption, but this page says:

Pseudo-random numbers are chosen with equal probability from a finite set of numbers. The chosen numbers are not completely random because a definite mathematical algorithm is used to select them, but they are sufficiently random for practical purposes. The current implementation of the Random class is based on Donald E. Knuth's subtractive random number generator algorithm. For more information, see D. E. Knuth. "The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms". Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, second edition, 1981.

I hope that helps!
Thank you Luis. I guess we don't usually think much about how random numbers are generated. But I think it is an interesting subject in its own right. The pattern that I created in the above definition using the default random class doesn't look similar to the two patterns in Daniels work (which has been done using processing) that are titled Knuth No1 and Knuth No2. I could contact Daniel for more specifics about the code and setup that he used. But that still wouldn't answer the question which algorithm is at work in Rhino/Grasshopper. BTW, I found a implementation of the Mersenne Twister on the web. Maybe, I'll throw that into Grasshopper and see what happens.


Hello Tobias,

I see now the very interesting page in Daniel's research on pseudo-random numbers. To be honest, I have seen such diagonal patterns in's random number generator. But I wonder how many random numbers he was generating at the same time, and if there was an independent generator for each coordinate. The diagonal pattern would imply at least two coordinates are equal no? x = y would start to scratch in points along that axis. But if a random number was created for each coordinate

randomNumberX = (rndMax - (rndMin + 1)) * (randomClass.NextDouble() + rndMin)
randomNumberY = (rndMax - (rndMin + 1)) * (randomClass.NextDouble() + rndMin)
randomNumberZ = (rndMax - (rndMin + 1)) * (randomClass.NextDouble() + rndMin)
Dim pt As New On3dPoint(x + RandomNumberX, y + RandomNumberY, z + RandomNumberZ)

Then maybe the pseudo-randomness is obscured by a few factors.
Hello Luis,

Correct me if I'm wrong but the code example that you're showing doesn't look right. If you were trying to create random integers then you would use

Int((intHigh - intLow + 1) * Rnd + intLow)

For real numbers you would use

(dblHigh - dblLow) * Rnd + dblLow

The "+ 1" is only there because the Int() function always rounds down.

According to the "Random Walk" website, the way the random numbers are generated is as follows: In the sequence of random numbers 3 consecutive numbers form the x, y & z coordinates of the points in the cube.

In the above example definition I implemented this rule in Grasshopper. Interestingly, if you implement the same rule in Rhinoscript using the same seed value you get a different result from the one done in Grasshopper (have a look at the screenshot).

' Reset the random-number generator and provide a seed value for subsequent calls To Rnd
Rnd (-1)
Randomize 2

For i = 0 To max
arrDbl(i) = Rnd

For j = 0 To max Step 3
Call Rhino.AddPoint(Array(arrDbl(j), arrDbl(j + 1), arrDbl(j + 2)))

So, it looks like vbscript is using a different random number generator algorithm than Within vbscript and Grasshopper the sequence of random numbers is always the same (as it should be) however they are different from eachother.

Let me know if this makes sense.
I did not do a very thorough search, but the page above seems to claim that vbscript uses a 24-bit Linear Congruential Generator. I did not come up with a source on the microsoft website... Would be nice to know why they chose to use different generator (if that is indeed the case).
Thank you Luis, following your clue I did a little bit of reading about Linear Congruential Generators (LGCs). Ok, it's already a while back now that we talked about this. Anyway, if you have a look at wikipedia's entry on LGCs ( there is this little animated gif that illustrates the parallel hyperplanes produced by LGCs. This is caused by the fact that each successive number is mathematically related to the previous number. Long story short rhinoscript (which as we know, is based on vbscript) produces exactly those hyperplanes. The screenshot is taken from a file containing 100,000 pseudo-random points in a unit cube. Please find the code used to generate those points attached below.
Having said this, I wasn't able to spot those hyperplanes in random numbers that were generated in Grasshopper using the exact same approach. This might be another clue that the Random Number Generator (RNG) in Grasshopper is using a different algorithm. It is worth noting that generating the same amount of numbers/points in Grasshopper takes significantly, that is to say at least 2 to 3 times, longer.
I'm thinking that there are implications of all this that are maybe worth mentioning/discussing. What this basically means is that those numbers that are not lying on one of those hyperplanes are never going to be produced by the LCG. More specifically, if one thinks about genetic algorithms certain random mutations are not going to happen. This would mean that certain options are not going to be produced and therefore the solution space is limited by the RNG. (Ok, all this sounds slightly abstract unless someone proves that using alternatives to LCGs actually produces better results in GAs). But there might be other implications in addition to the one that you shouldn't use rhinoscript to encrypt your passwords...

Vollbildaufzeichnung 20.07.2009 231919.jpg
Of course there is a simple way of testing if GH is using the default random class. Simply by creating a vb component one can show that Grasshopper's random number component is creating the exact same string of pseudo random numbers. Therefore the quote that you provided above applies to GH as well:

The current implementation of the Random class is based on Donald E. Knuth's subtractive random number generator algorithm. For more information, see D. E. Knuth. "The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms ". Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, second edition, 1981.

Not sure if after 10 years A) anyone will be checking this out or if B) the psudo random algorithm at the base of the Grasshopper Random component has changed. But.

In the attempt of generating a randomly distributed pointcloud, a clearly discernable hyperplanes pattern emerged from the combination of three Random components, each outputting a list to feed the three spatial coordinate. 

The three random components share the same Domain and Number inputs, but the Seeds are unique.  When the seeds are three consecutive numbers [n] [n+1] [n+2] , the resulting points are arranged in three coplanar groups.

As the third seed increases while the first two are fixed, the number of hyperplanes planes linearly increases by steps of 2.

[n] [n+1] [n+2] > 3

[n] [n+1] [n+3] > 5

[n] [n+1] [n+4] > 7


By swapping random coordinate lists in the Point3D inputs, the planes rotate around the average value of all the XYZ point coordinates.

Still not having digged into Linear Congruential Generators, yet definetevely interesting the order emerging from (pseudo) randomness.

I attach screenshots of a test with the following input parameters:
Domain: -10 to 10
Number: 10000
Seeds: 0,1,2



Hi Marco,

so nice to see that this thread is relevant after more than 10 years! Unfortunatly, the original example mentioned above by Daniel A. Becker is not online anymore. There are however still images and documentation out there, e.g.: at or A short summary in English can be found here:

Would you like to add your GH definition to your post, so that we can reproduce the effect?



Hi Tobias,

so nice to see that this platform is actually still functional.

Thanks for the updated links, I'll definetevely have a look.

Doing few more tests some other interesting properties arised, I'll update the thread as soon as I find some free time.

Of course, code is attached.







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