
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I am trying to understand how RANDOM and mapping works. The problem is the following:

I have a list of points which should be randomly rotated around the center. But the output of RANDOM is repeating itself in each branch. (see picture below)

Is there a way that the value are not repeating and the tree structure is kept?

Hope someone can support me on this . P

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give it as many seed values as you have branches.

Computers are deterministic machines and thus cannot produce true randomness. Instead, when you ask for a list of random numbers, you get pseudo-random numbers. These numbers are fully repeatable, which is actually a good thing as it would be very annoying if your random numbers kept changing all the time.

Every possible sequence of random numbers is controlled through a seed value. The seed is just an integer which controls the first random number, and every subsequent random number depends only on the previous one.

So if you generate 10 lists of random numbers and you give them all the same seed, then you'll end up with ten identical lists. You'll have to instead provide 10 different seed values. You can generate different seeds using -for example- the Series component. I recommend picking a large step size.


David Rutten

give it as many (varied) seed values as you have branches.

Just gave the RANDOM component as many seed values as branches and know it looks like i wanted it to look like. Thank you, also for the how random functions reminder. :)






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