
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to understand how the Random Component works, assigning a different height to each circle built within a square grid. It generates different values but if I increase the number of random values, it only assigns those value to a list of geometry so the overall randomness is not coming through.

Do I need to flatten the values?

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Hi Fabio,

If you generate multiple random Seed Values you will get the effect you need.


Thanks a lot Danny.

Also Danny, why is the 'Surface from Points' component is not generating a surface parallel to the xy grid but it's connecting the points along the parallel plane?


The input to the SurfaceFromPts component needs to be all on one branch. Also you need to use the Ex slider as the input to U to get it to match.

Note: If you plan to have multiple surfaces from multiple inputs then a flatten will screw this up. But a Shift Paths component would do the job better, but only if you intend to go down this avenue.


Great. Thanks again.

I've been trying to apply the definition to a triangular surface/mesh (I'm working on a triangulated structure and I want to create a sort of 'outer' skin of this structure through the random component) but the surface from points is now giving me 'A point in the grid is null' error message. I suppose is referring to the third point of the triangle. How can I resolve that?







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