
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to use Radiation Analysis with Lady Bug, but can't get past this runtime error, "Download Failed! You need GenDayMxt.exe to use this component. Please check your internet connection and start again."

I am using EPW files from but it just doesn't seem to be working.

I have tried downloading 'GenDayMxt.exe' and have put it into the Lady Bug folder, but still getting this error.

Any help would be much appreciated!


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Hi Dan,

Have you installed all the software required for this tutorial? 

I followed these videos and steps and it works fine.

Instructions for Installing Ladybug + Honeybee:

(Follow steps 0-4 for basic functionality and 0-9 for full functionality)

0. If you have an old version of LB+HB, download the file here (

and open it in Grasshopper to remove your old Ladybug and Honeybee version.

1. Make sure that you have a working copy of both Rhino and Grasshopper installed.

2. Open Rhino and type "Grasshopper" into the command line (without quotations). Wait for grasshopper to load.

3. Install GHPython by downloading the file at this link ( and

drag the .gha file onto the Grasshopper canvas.

4. Select and drag all of the userObject files (downloaded with this instructions file) onto your Grasshopper canvas.

You should see Ladybug and Honeybee appear as tabs on the grasshopper tool bar.

(If you are reading this instruction on github you can download them from

5. Restart Rhino and Grasshopper. You now have a fully-functioning Ladybug. For Honeybee, continue to the following:

6. Install Radiance to C:\Radiance by downloading it from this link
( and running the exe.

7. Install Daysim 4.0 for Windows to C:\DAYSIM by downloading it at this link ( and running the exe.

8. Install EnergyPlus 8.1 to C:\EnergyPlusV8-1-0 by going to the DOE website
(, making an account, going to "download older

versions of EnergyPlus, selecting 8.1 and running the exe.

9. Copy falsecolor2.exe ( and evalglare.exe
( to C:\Radiance\bin

10. You now have a fully-working version of Ladybug + Honeybee. Get started visualizing weather data with these video tutorials

After I've done all the above I followed this video

And everything works well.

I've uploaded my file so you can try and see if it works?







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