
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Good evening,

I am a student trying to learn Grasshopper and Kangaroo. I tried to do again the tutorial show in the video Dinel Piker ( The problem is that I can not move the objects as is it shown in the video. I think I have followed the instructions. Could you please look at my file to show me the error.


Corentin Werrie

Views: 519


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For me your files works, when pressing left alt and dragging the point.

Do you have issues with grab component? 

And do you have the new Kangaroo 2.1.2?

I can't find those exact components as shown in the video in the 2.1.2. No longer a 'Joey' component. Different names and inputs to what is shown. I can make the thing work as published but can't adapt it to my parts. That video was posted a year ago and I wish could be updated to the Kangaroo 2.1.2, any hope as this is a huge ability.
Hi - I'll try and post an updated example tonight.

Thanks Daniel!  If I ever start thinking I am too smart, I can come here and be humbled...

(au cas où vous n'avez pas vu ma réponse ici:)

Corentin - J'ai téléchargé le fichier que vous avez mis en ligne. Ça fonctionne pour moi - je ne suis pas sûr pourquoi vous avez des problèmes. Il faut télécharger la version la plus recente du plug-in - ça corrige quelques erreurs avec l'element "drag." Est-ce que vous poussez "alt" pendant essayer de deplacer les objets? La seule autre chose que je peux imaginer est que "alt" - étant utilisé différement pour les accents sur un clavier français - cause des problèmes pour vous. 

Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for answering my question. I tried pressing "alt" and it works very well.
I thank you for your answers.








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