
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Question about how to create a semi sphere with a particular pattern on it

Hi, I'm new to grasshopper. 

I wanna create a semi sphere with a particular pattern on it. 

(image 1)
So I want to use the pattern from the image 1 to become my structure and pattern for the canopy which I showed in the sketch drawing. (i have attached the GH file of image 1)
(Image 2)
The image above is what I'm struggling to create.
Canopy Detail:
- This is the overall shapes I wanted to create (half - dome)
- Overlapping the structure by flip over it (layer 1 is internal; layer 2 is external)
- The circle shapes in the hexagon changes gradually from big to small ( bottom part is big circles and top part is small circles)
Anyone have any ideas on how to create the pavilion that showing in my sketch drawing??? 

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Replies to This Discussion

try this...


didn´t see the two layer thing

you will need to install lunchbox to generate hexagonal pattern

here´s the update



Thank you for help! This is almost what I was trying to do.Just the inner shapes is a little it differences, other than that is pretty similar to what I want.  Awesome!
I will continue to work on it. Really appreciated ur help:)





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