
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


This condition has come up for me several times lately so I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions...

Sometimes it's nice to use text tags (text dots) to display data, like say offset distances from a surface as dots on the surface, but I would like to apply different colors to each dot within a gradient range of colors to make the data more visual.

I know this can be scripted, but it would be nice to be able to use GH to have more control over the colors with the gradient component.

Is this feasible in some fashion or as some workflow if it can't be done in GH alone?

Thanks much.

Views: 4671

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Luis, Thanks for the info ,I'll give a try.
Warrrfff!!! Nice and usefull code.

Hi, Giulio, this is really nice code. But I have a silly question. Actually I was just searching for method to explode the text dots. In the older versions of GH the text tag was just common text. When I bake it I can easily explode it and convert it to single line words, so that it's much faster to laser cut. I'm sure you know how to explode it.


Very interesting reading of this page.

"Is it possible that the object " text dot" I once edited in Rhino get in GH.

By example assign values by this "text dot" is that Rhino, and read the values on GH?

Sure you can do it. But, as usual in Grasshopper, either something is an input or it is an output. It's less feasible to obtain something that is both input and output at the same time.

If you use a group of text dots with a specific "Name" pattern, or in a specific layer, then you can select them with the new pipeline parameter.

I hope this helps,

- Giulio

My request is for text dot !(annotation dot)

I find your code that allows you to create text dot.
Now I read in the grasshopper.
If the text luck then change values ​​in gh ... is it possible.

Thanks for your fast Response

Hi, do you think you could elaborate on the last comment in French?
I am having problems understanding it here.


- Giulio

Sorry for my bad english, I'm use google translate.
In french:
J'aimerais utilisez votre code pour créer des textes d'annotations sur des points spécifique sur une définition GH.
Puis utilisez un autre code qui lise la valeur du texte dans GH si une modification surviens.
J'ai une courbe avec un raccord rayon.
Je place un texte d'annotation sur les arcs puis dans Rhino si je change ce texte alors GH change le rayon .

Si vous ne comprenez pas je reviendrais vers vous

Dear user,

I've asked translator advice for your request. That postponed slightly the answering time. Sorry about that.

If I understand correctly, you would like to be able to reference some text dots from Grasshopper, change their text, and replace the original text dots.

At the present state of the art, you can select text dots using the Guid parameter. Then, using scripts, you can modify them. Finally, you can replace the original dots.

This file shows an example. Since these are all scripts at the moment, please understand that to modify them, you will need to know a little scripting.


- Giulio



Wooh travail remarquables.

Je commence à travailler avec des script VB et autres, et pour l'instant mon niveau est débutant mais je vais vite rattraper mon retard, gràce à vous et aux gens du forum.
J'apprecie votre page ainsi que l'exemple du composant gha.(je suis la dessus en ce moment).

Pour ce qui est de votre exemple je trouve ça trés intéressant.
Les ID de départ d'ou provienne t-il, d'un Text dot ou d'un point ?

J'aimerais modifier le texte dans rhinoceros et que dans gh le text se mettent à jour.
Pour ce qui est de leurs position c'est bien ça que je veux; elle est fixé par lobjet de départ:ID

Si je démarre d'un fichier vierge comment injecter les objets comprenant l'ID ?

Merci encore de votre intéressement et de vos efforts de traduction.


Google Translate:

Wooh, good job.
I start working with VB script and other, and for now my level is beginner but I'll catch up soon, thanks to you and people on the forum.
I appreciate your page and the example of the component gha. (I'm the top now).

As for your example I find it very interesting.
IDs starting or he comes, a text or a dot point?

I would like to change the text in rhinoceros and gh in the text are updated.
In terms of their position it is what I want and is set by lobjet starting: ID

If I start with a blank file how to inject objects containing the ID?

Thank you again for your sharing and your translation efforts.

Please start a new thread. This discussion is diverging from the original, quite dated thread.


- Giulio






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