
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have been trying for days to setup the pyhull module into ironpython for rhino. The reason is that I need to use qHull or any n-dimension convexhull tool for python. Unfortunately scipy.spatial is not available yet so pyHull seems my only chance. 

My problem is that I can not seem to install into ironpython. IronPython 2.7.0 doesn't support PIP and when I try to intall pyhull through the Command Prompt typing in: "ipy install" it says that I don't have setuptools installed. I have been unable to install setuptools into iron python and cant find a good tutorial. 

(I am not a pro at any of this)

Has anyone been able to do this? Any ideas. Or do you know any other convex hull (4d+) toold for python? Thank you so much!!

*I have numpy and scipy working fine on python for rhino 32-bit as of now. 


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I understand you can load .NET libraries in ghPython, in that case seems to work well.

Attached is a GH file with a C# scripting component that creates a 3D convex hull using this library (but you can use any number of dimensions).

I also attached the dll since you have to build it yourself (there's no download link).


Thank you very much, I am eager to try this out. What do you mean by I would have to build it myself? ...I am not very knowledgeable of this. Thank you!

You don't have to anymore, you just have to reference the dll I attached in the previous comment.

Thank you very much Vicente. I really appreciate it!

Based on the implementation of Vicente for C#, here is a ghPython version, if it's still of interest!


This is great... almost!

Any idea why it fails on the group of points I've isolated on the layer "BAD POINTS"? The output is an invalid mesh.

If I rotate this set of points using the gumball in Rhino it sometimes works so maybe that's a clue.

Could the units and tolerance I choose in Rhino cause problems like this?

It works on every other set of points on the layer "GOOD POINTS"


Just realised there are some points that share the same z coordinate. If I change the z coordinate of one point then the composnent works.

There must be some bug in it where points with identical z coordinates cause problems, possibly also adjacent points.

Anyone know what the logic / process behind the conves hull is in this case?


That's weird, there's seems to be a point that's causing the issue (I think the 6th on the list).

Anyway if you just round the points to a few decimal places it seems to work fine.

Connect the points to the x input of an expression component and type as the expression "round(x,4)". That will round the numbers to 4 decimal places.


I've been looking for an alternative to the slHull3d component because I was getting weird results with that too.

Anyway, i think I can cope with only having coordinates accurate to a tenth of a micron!

Hi Everyone, 

I'm trying to get this workflow going in my system but I seem to have trouble loading the assembly.
I even tried using Paul Poinet's ghPython Implementation and changed the clr.AddReference() to clr.LoadAssemblyFromFileWithPath(). I'm getting this error. 

Runtime error (NotSupportedException): An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS policy by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch. See for more information.
line 2, in script

Does anyone have any clue as how to solve this? 



Hi Jonathan,

Did you try:
In C#: right-clicking on the component > manage assemblies > load the .dll from there.
In Python: referencing it through EditPythonScript > Tools > Options > reference the path from there.

Otherwise, I am afraid I am not sure what's the problem. My guess would be a conflict between the Rhino .NET framework and the one from the .dll. Are you using Rhino6?


Hi Paul, 

Thanks for the prompt reply. 

Yeah i've tried both. Funnily enough, i have now placed the .dll within the program files folder for rhino 5 64bit and the python reference works. The C# component is still out of action though. I think it might be a permissions issue? but will investigate.

Sometimes, even if the .dll is referenced, it's worth trying to remove it and place it again






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