
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

You probably already know that you can access PanelingTools in the Mac RhinoWIP (all commands auto-complete when you type "pt"). RhinoWIP for Mac also lets you access Grasshopper when you run "ExplicitHistory" command.

What's exciting is that I just compiled PanelingTools for Grasshopper for Rhino for the Mac WIP! If you like to try it, please do the following:

- Make sure you have the latest release of Rhino for Mac WIP (

- Open new model in RhinoWIP and run "ExplicitHistory" in the command line. That will open the Grasshopper window.

- In Grasshopper menu, go to File>Special Folders> Component Folder. then drag the attached file (PTComponetLibrary.gha, and PanelingToolsDotNet.dll) to that folder.

- Quit RhinoWIP and reopen. Run ExplicitHistory command. Now you will see PanelingTools tab added to Grasshopper tabs.

Now you can have some fun!

Please share your thoughts, and of course if you see any problems.

Views: 4963


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Rajaa, 

I have experienced 2 issues regarding this subject:

1. I encountered a file online which included PT and downloaded it. I was able to use PT on my rhino 6 for Mac (Full Version) successfully. Except, for some components in which i get the message: "solution exception: PT_SDK"

2. That led me to look for downloads for mac or even download the windows version and try to install it anyway. I found the file you posted above, I installed it and deleted all my other grasshopper components (I went back and deleted it from the component folders in GH and everything went back to normal, including my "solution exception:PT_SDK" message".

are the files you posted exclusively for WIP? do you know how could I proceed to get the full PT for Mac (Full Version) successfully?

Thank you

Hi Juan,

The files work only with Rhino 5 for Mac.

I'm in the process of updating these files for Rhino 6. I apologize for you inconvenience and will keep you posted once the files are ready.


This is the file from which I was able to download Paneling tools for Rhino 6 for Mac (Full Version). I thought it might be helpful to share it.

Hi Juan, this installed PT-GH components that are not comparable with Mac Rhino 6.

We just released the one that works. Please download and follow the instruction here:

Please also make sure to delete what was dowloaded on your machine to avoid conflict (easier for Grasshopper to choose the correct components)






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