
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I am new to this group and to Grasshopper as well.

Maybe this is an easy question but as I am a beginner I haven't found the answer so far. I would like to propagate the rhombus module designed in th gh file to the designed surface. First I try to propagate the module to the surface, (with the guidance of this tutorial: but some points of the rhombus were still stay behind. I want to be designed parametrically in order to change dimensions in GH. Here I am trying to construct the module onto the diagrid pattern, I was trying to connect the points that are higher to those that are lower, but I think that I haven't understand well the trees and brunches, so I couldn't make it.

Is it possible the points that are higher to change their position regarding the sun path?

I have seen some older cases with a vector simulating the sun incidence, but I was thinking to do something similar in Ladybag.

Thank you in advance!

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On the other hand ... see this def attached (converted into GH components for the occasion) that uses fields and does a rather quick "distortion" by-passing "swift" puzzles and the likes (then all what we have to do is made some pattern out of the points made).

If you redirect this into some other freaky C# stuff you can get trusses (the one shown is thick at mount points and thinner elsewhere) as the "inverse" of the forms that you are after (a thing that I would highly recommend: go after the holly overhang  etc etc).


Amazing work Peter!! This is exactly the type of manipulation I am trying to achieve.

In addition to this are we able to increase the depth of the grid?

So that it becomes a dense grid and these attractors in effect subtract the space (really they are just distorting the grid)

Similar to the image I have attached.

Just want to say again you are a great help!!! Thank you so much!


Er ... the show (or the pain) hasn't even started, he he (Anything is variable not only the W size, mind - what about random freaky things?).

That said the simple field way maybe is not fully "adjustable" as is the complex code for Plan B ... but... well... as the greatest ever said: less is more.

Given the opportunity ... let's go straight to the pain department:

This is the easy life: distorted stuff + N different ways to skin the cat (NOTE: instead of "vault" topology (slightly pathetic and/or why bother) go for some aggressive big overhangs)):

This is the pain and the agony: by what means can you assure that there's no clash issues around? And if they are by what means can you correct things? What things exactly? By what means can you talk to some proper BIM AEC app (obligatory in several countries already, like UK) in order to do the thingy in real-life?  - spot that only the W layer consists from 10K "items" (and that without the sleeves).

Moral: long is the path (and hilly).

Staying on the easy aspect of things ... I'll post some other stuff later on.

With regard easy things: here's another approach (nothing in common with your initial goal, but anyway) :

Using Kangaroo 1 (there's a very compact version of that def with K2 ... but not a single native GH component is around > thus get the "easy busy" version).

From here:

To there (Kangaroo K1 [099] required (+ WB) > install > open the def > go to the K1 engine > double click it > a small dialog with 5 buttons appears > start/stop/reset the simulation > etc etc):

Note: "translating" the resulting "relaxed" mesh into some kind of real-life truss (W: double layered) is easily doable (with code) ... but there's some very expensive ways to do it with "stand alone" modules "as shown". The advantage of similar approaches is the triangulation (and therefor panel's planarity).


And a small demo


BTW: The distorted (fields) surface VS your hexagons (as polylines [U/V divisions are auto corrected in order to yield "intact" pieces plus the optional perimeter zone] and .. hmm ... as PLANAR Breps that make me sick [I hate that type of stuff]).

WOW! There's so much to experiment with in Grasshopper! 

I am busy experimenting with the various settings that control the attractors to create a catalogue of possible conditions. You are a great help!! 

Slowly building up to the deformation of a denser grid... The tricky bits! 

Endless hours of playing around with the settings and baking...

Well ... I have a feeling that you are adsorbed by the "form" (as the majority of non cynics, he he) been at a certain danger to get lost in translation.

Think: what's more important? To create a perfectly doable semi-WOW thingy (at a reasonable price) OR a WOW thingy that nobody (except you) cares about what sort of inspiration gave it birth ?.

Other than that (using the very same distorted surface as above) if you like hexagons in your menu (obviously pointing INSIDE: planarity etc etc):

Spot the triangulation on top (planarity).

On the other hand most contemporary AEC stuff (function follows form etc etc) these days look like that:

Agreed yet a cocooning effect is pretty cool for a healing/therapy centre :) After all it is a theoretical university project and deriving a generative form which makes the tutors WOW is key in this particular assessment haha

It seems I like to make life difficult with these tricky ideas...

Plan Z: Cocoons for the freaks (normal people look elsewhere).

Step 1: get a curve > divide randomly > connect points > find all intersection events > pick some random stuff (red, for anchors).

Step 2: Use Kangaroo + a double espresso (a must) + Karma (ditto):

Step3: Use ExoW (good luck) or IntraLattice (ditto):

Step 4: Find some freak sell the idea, get the money and run:

Moral: we are all doomed.

You've got it spot on Peter *insert laughing emoji* haha

This looks doable and within the realms of the intention!

Would it be possible to get the script from you?

You have been amazing help Peter! To get an insight into the 101 ways to manipulate geometry in a programme that often (more often than not) leaves me mind-boggled.. 

Remember: the more things you can do ... the less things you should do. Meaning that power is nothing without control.

Anyway ... get the def. Requires K1, ExoW, WB and IntraLattice. Is carried over mostly via C# because ... er ... the remaining 99% (how to do some real-life canopy and/or a real-life truss out of the relaxed line graph) is only doable via code - no ExoW/IL (so ... the 1% is indeed doable).

At first ... just double click the Kangaroo1 engine, halt the simulation AND ONLY THEN redirect the resulting line list to the ExoW/IL. As delivered neither is active.

Note: ExoW and/or IntraLattice MAY or MAY NOT work (each one has his own issues, but ExoW despite the glitches yields way better looking liquid stuff). So the liquid root may or may not be the holly grail that you expect (life sucks).

Note: As is delivered this only does a liquid node load bearing structure (ideal for Planet Utopia). Paint the thing black, do some proper pavement, populate with birds of pray, wait for the envelope def (that's freaky), put humans inside, lock the doors > massacre. 







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