
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all!

I have just put together a circuit which projects text onto surfaces like so: 

 In a nut shell:

A) I have set a Z level

B) Intersected an X-Y plane with the surface

C) Copied the resulting curve vertically, taken the end points of my now two curves and built a surface from four points

D) Used the Surface to define a plane to which I am applying 3D text 

C) Projected the resulting text back to the original surface.

It seems to be working OK, however:

1) It currently only sets the plane in X/Y - Z is always taken as real world Z (so cant project to horizontal surfaces) *note I tried dividing the surface and fitting a plane but the plane was waaaay offset from the surface; and

2) Subject to the way the surface is oriented, the text can be upside down/back to front and I have to fiddle with rotating planes to make it right (so it wont work to bake text onto multiple planes at once). See below:

Top row are letters i baked manually (adjusting angles as i went). Bottom row is all applied at the same time.

I wanted to cast out for suggestions on how I might be able to rectify this so that Z+ is automatically taken as 'up' but text can be applied to horizontal surfaced to - and 'In/Out' somehow be defined to make it easier to set which angle the text should be legible from.

Grasshopper script is attached. Any suggestions are welcome, I will have a crack and update progress as I go.

Note: I have used FabTools for creating and baking the text in the attached .GH.



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Should have added a SS of Grasshopper def. as well:

Note: Controls are in the bottom left and from top to bottom are:

The Z level to apply text

The surface(s) to apply to

Rotation around world Z axis

Rotation around world X/Y axis

Text to be applied

Boolean to bake text.

Hi All,

Have revised the definition and found a way to apply text uniformly to a bunch of similar surfaces.

Still only set to apply to vertical or sub-vertical surfaces. Should not be too hard to change it from where its at.

I got the plane directions working better by setting a vector for the X/Y +'ve direction, aligning the plane to that and deconstructing the plane, taking the absolute of the Z component on the Y axis and reconstructing.

Revised file is attached - still welcome suggestions if anyone can think of a better way to do this :)









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