
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hello everyone,

I was wondering what is the best way to project this on a flat surface in order to lase cut it.I was also looking for less cuts rather than individual parts.

thank you

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Have a look at the attached. Fixed some wrong parts in my point of view and you'll need "TTToolbox" Unfold component.

If you want to connect all of the available panels and unroll together, then you can convert your brep to mesh first and try to use plugin using graph theory like "Ivy".


Thank you for your help:) is there a way to put a tag or number on them so I can know where each of them go when I lasercut the pieces?(btw,cute puppy)

The brep geometries would be developed on the grid in the order they are indexed.

Try to use "Text Tag 3D" with the same index numbers of your brep.

If you want to engrave text when laser cutting, you can use plug-in like "Fab Tools"

thanks for the suggestions

for tag founction,you can go here:

FYI: When clicking the link a suspicious file is downloaded. This was just flagged on several computers in our school network by our IT department and caused a minor stir. Looks like this:

Maybe bring it up with McNeel/Food4Rhino.

Edit: Doesn't seem to be the case across the board. Investigating.


The link is only a msi file packing with Panda plugin files!The missing install info may

cause the waring!it safety to download.I'll repair it soon.

Thams for response!


No worries. Just to be clear: The unwarranted download of the TPout.swf file occurs when I click the link and enter Food4Rhino (only with Chrome, not with Internet Explorer). It also occurs if I go straight to Food4Rhino, search for Panda and go through this way (excluding Ning as the culprit). It only seems to happen on the Panda page, tried clicking a few of the other Grasshopper plugins without seeing the same behaviour. Note that this doesn't occur on my colleague's personal laptop, making me think that perhaps it is related to our work laptops running BitDefender (that is maybe being a wee bit too defensive!). Cheers, Anders.

I can replicate this problem without bitdefender. Chrome as well.






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