
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a plane gridsystem where the topology of the grid can be varied. I want to 

project the grid onto a curved surface i have created using kangaroo. I have managed 

to do this but the projections seems to be deformed. I attached two pictures showing the structure. The green lines indicates the projected grid and the red lines indicate the base grid.

Does any one know why it is projected like this and how to fix it? any help is greatly appreciated. 

I attached a gh file. The boolean toggle at the kangaroo component have to be turned off and on to generate the surface. 




Views: 1267


Replies to This Discussion

"Map to surface" is a quite different method from "project".

Because your Kangaroo result has uneven UV Data, so your mapped grid also unevenly generated.

You can rebuild the surface and adjust the UV grid more evenly, but I can't assure you the final result will be the same as "project".

Why don't you use "project"?

Indeed - see this that "explains" the issue (kinda, he he)


Thanks for the help, you got my on the right path. I wanted to project the grid but by projecting the point correctly i could use the grid configuration I used before by using the topologizer component :) 

Glad to help > it's just as Kim said: "Map" and "Project" are not the same animals.

I tried to use the project component but when I do grasshopper stops responding, I added a screenshot of the assembly 






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