
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Alright so I have a persistent problem.


I have a 3 lists of curves  with an equal # of curves in each(lets say 10). So basically 3 paths w 10 curves. If I connect any (single) one of these paths to the join component and then iterates these curves through a move component(10 vectors) all is in order. Yet when I connect more than a single path the order of the generated curves as they are iterated through the move componenet seems to become arbitrary.  All the curves connect, meaning Im pretty sure the first curve in path a is connected to the first curve in path b and c, yet this new curve is now curve 5 for instance.


As suggested I have attached a graf tree component which now seperates these curves in different paths before attaching them to the join slider. The result though, as I connect the latter to the move component, is that the ten resultant curves are iteraed 10 times. So 100 curves altogether instead of 10...


Any help would be awesome...  Why does the join command destroy the order of the curves even when it seems to be fulfilling its (joning) function properly?



Views: 2597

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Could you post your files? I follow what you're saying, but think the answer is dependent on what your curves look like and how you are transforming them.

Since you're describing multiple steps, it's hard to say where the problem might be.
Here's the part i'm having a little trouble with(circled)
Why is the order destroyed as I join them?

Thanks for your help.
Can you post the Rhino geometry that goes with the definition?

I'm having trouble reading between the lines without it.
ok here it is...just a few curves...

Sorry I was busy for the last 2 days... but I'm not seeing any problems.

From what I see all the curves are joining. Do you have the latest GH version? [Join] could have been updated.


The problem isnt the fact they arent able to join. Its that when they are joined and I Iterate them through a move slider with the same number of vectors, the curves are all out of order. Curve 1 isnt on the bottom and curve 2 isnt right above it etc... Thanks for the help so far.
My bad again... Now I see your problem, which is indeed curious. I'd like to figure out what [Join] is doing, but in the meanwhile you can [Graft] each of your constituent curves to maintain the order and [Flatten] after joining.

Ill try it, although I think Ive done so already and the order just reverted to this jumble(pre graft).
The point labels shown in the screengrab are the list order (after flattening) so everything will definitely work.

Tree data structure overrides any default [Join] behaviour that was rearranging the order.
It works, anyway Id love to know why the join slidr is affecting the order if you find the answer.

To be honest this isnt grasshopper related question, but I`ve looked all over, as I loft or have planar surfaces...they seem to become jagged although the curves are in the right place,( no matter the tolerances) and its affecting renderings...Ive attached a pic...

Thanks again for answering the previous posts
hey JF, fancy seeing you here.

for the jaggies just adjust the render mesh settings in the document properties menu in rhino. by default it's set to "jagged and faster".

Hey Dave


How's it going? Back in london? Im in Dublin at the moment. Had a look at some of the names you had mentioned during our chat last week. I'll be trying to get trough the cinder tutorial when I have a chance. 

I was hoping you could give me the link or the name ot your firm's website. I must of missheard it and I'd very much like to apply.

Thanks again








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