
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I tried to make frame on facade by using  quad panels option and extrude it but i dont know how. This will be a glass facade, which I divided by quad panels (lunchbox). After that i have no clue how to make frame from this division. Thank you for help i really appreciate it. 

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it would be easier to receive help if you shared your definition.

there are many ways ways to make frames form this division. one could be to extract the wireframe of each panel and then create the desired profile (eg rectangle) for each frame.



Of course, sorry. Here are the files. I always did such thing in different programms with offsetting frames and extruding theme but I want to create something like this in grasshoper to adjust it easily later. But im stuck with extrude parameter in definition and also I cant find the parameter to change  lenght/width of offset.


Hi Marietta,

can you please explain a little better what you are trying to achieve?

Do you want to offset your panels inwards and then extrude these offsets?

and do you want the offsets to have different width/length or not?

I gave it a try with the same offset distance, see if its what you wanted.



Great! I was trying to make it this way. The 15 cm offset both for width and length is ok. What I'm trying to achieve also is frame between those windows like on the image below.

 Should I now connect windows panels to make surface between them ?

It kind of depends on the level of detail you want, but for an abstract rectangular frame I would probably start from the panels you have and offset-extrude-solid_difference.

hope this helps to get you going.


This is it thank you. I will try to make the frame extrude on both sides because now windows are in front of the frame but now i understand how it works

unfortunately the difference Boolean operation makes the file impossible to work with.

you can try the following

you will need weaverbird plugin




I gave it a try and what I see weaverbird makes the edges of frame little rounded which I have to avoid. The photo I add is how it look after baking.

The plus is weaverbird makes the file faster, but still simple extrude parameter seems to work better although in one direction


I attach file and made it a little bit different to see if I get borders perpendicular but it seems with weaverbird it is impossible (or I dont know how)



if you unweld the baked meshes you will see that they are not rounded.

if you want them to be perpendiculary extruded then you will have overlaps between each frame. if that is not a problem you can extrude each loft (just before making the mesh) and avoid using meshes.

Ok, after baking I converted frame to T-splines and it seems to work ! thank you 






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