
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


yesterday I have made in GH a system and it worked well and showed all components in Rhino.

Today it shows nothing in rhino from this system. The preview is on.

And when I put in new components they son't show also.

In Grasshopper I have the 0.9.0075 version and in Rhino the 5. with 64-Bit.


Can anyone help me?


Thanks, Tanja


The GH file and the Rhino file are attached.

Views: 407


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It's a weird bug. Some component near the right side of your file (haven't pinpointed the culprit exactly yet) is preventing the display from working. However normally I'd expect to see an error message when that happens as well, and there is none.

I narrowed it down to several components that all report to have an enormous bounding box. This is confusing the display clipping process.

This will require a fix and re-release on my part, but I think you can fix the problem on your end by making sure there are no null values going into components.

I'm not sure I'll have time to fix this and release an update before I have to go to ICGG next weekend.


David Rutten

Okay. Thank you, David!

The problem is the [Bounds] component. When it operates on a list of only null values, it erroneously outputs a domain of [MaxValue to MinValue]. It should output [NaN to NaN], which would down the line be recognized as an invalid number.

I have fixed the error and your file is now previewing as expected again, but again, I'm not sure when I'll have the time to release this new version. It's the first release on my new work machine so any number of things may still go wrong once I press the button.


David Rutten

Thank you very much, David!

I'm having the exact same problem. Any solutions yet?

Just downgraded to version 0.9.0065 and the problem persists. I'm running Grasshopper on Rhino 5 SR4 in Windows 8.1

I fixed *a* bug concerning huge clipping boxes, but it hasn't been released yet (I had to leave on a trip before I could). Do you also have a bounds component that operates on a set of null values and which ultimately is used to generate some sort of geometry?






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