
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hello together
I have several problems. I want to create a facade, which responds to the noise. In addition I have created a grid, which is (number of hours a day) consists of 24 x 116 (length of the façade) elements. The facade is of a value measured 13 seconds, depending on the value of the first element of change and jump to the next element to the next measurement, and change it. The creation of a value of 13 seconds have I done. My first question is, how do I do that all the 13 seconds, the next item is selected. My second Question is how I create the elements (loft-object like  in the image 2) on the grid and they change. In my test, the elements twisted somehow.

I hope for fast help

thank you

grid (excerpt)


creation of a value

my test (the move-compoment is connected to the circuit of value generation)

my test

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And what is your noise..??


How did you define your noise in VB and why did you apply only one noise to all elements..??

The facade is a building which stands on the highway. The noise is represented by the circuit, "a creation of value" (image 3). At -45 (= 0db) to the element to be curved inward. At 0 (= 45db) is the element have no arch. At 45 (= 90dB), the element should be convex. There is only one noise (only one measuring point), which is all 13 seconds re-measured.

this are my files


so it should works

the problem with the loft-object is solved.

this is the new gh file


my shot at it using hoopsnake


Thank you for your help.
But it should be one at each surface is controlled and changed.
1. Area 1 drive
2. after 13 seconds create value
3. Area 1 change depending on value
4. Surface 2 drive
5. after 13 seconds create value
6. Area 2 change depending on value

on german

danke für ihr hilfe.
Aber es soll jede Fläche einzeln nacheinander angesteuert und verändert werden.  
1. Fläche 1 ansteuern
2. nach 13 sekunden wert erzeugen
3. Fläche 1 je nach wert verändern
4. Fläche 2 ansteuern
5. nach 13 sekunden wert erzeugen
6. Fläche 2 je nach wert verändern
und so weiter

I've got it right, that it sequentially activates each element.
thanks for the support.
But it produces a value works only after a certain time, not yet.

on german

Ich habe es hinbekommen, dass es jedes einzelne Element nacheinander ansteuert.
danke  für die Unterstützung.
Aber dass es einen Wert nach einer bestimmten Zeit erzeugt, funkioniert noch nicht.

The problem of timing is a general one.

Your initial assumtion for the 13 second timeframe is the measurement duration. 

Right now the input values come from a random generator. This generator does not take 13 seconds to produce a value.

As far a I know, hoopsnake can't be triggered with a timer. So you will have to wait some other place. Normally this would be your input (script) component. This input will either average the measurement of a 13 seconds time interval or wait for the next meaurement value (of a 13 second interval)  this would make your overall system run as expected.

Meanwhile you could script your own generator that delays the generation for your given interval.

nochmal in deutsch:

Du Gehts von 13sekunden langen Messintervallen aus. Die werden momentan, praktisch verzögerungsfrei von Zufallsgeneratoren ersetzt. Normalerweise bekommst du Daten aus deiner Input-Komponente nur aller 13 Sekunden und erst dann kann die nächste Iteration durchlaufen.

Du könntest wieder einen Generatoir scripten, der dein Intervall wartet, bevor es deinen zufallswert zurückgibt...

Hoopsnake selber scheint keine timer-gesteuerte Iteration zu unterstützen.

Can someone help me with the scripts, because I have no idea of such programming. The last generator I've written yourself, but found in the forum.

auf deutsch

Kann mir  jemanden bei den skripten helfen, weil ich keine Ahnung von solchen Programmierungen habe. Das letzten Generator habe ich nicht selbst geschrieben, sondern im forum gefunden.

Sei mir nicht böse, aber von deiner Beschreibung her, hast du da eine ziemlich komplexe Aufgabe vor. Sofern du keine Ahnung vom Scripten hast, würde ich an deiner Stelle entweder erstmal die Nase in ein C# oder VB für Dummies-Buch stecken oder die Finger von lassen.






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