
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



I am trying to find previous versions of GH on the internet but am having no luck. I want (in particular grasshopper 0.50093) previous versions of GH because I have a few outdated scripts that I have downloaded, although they do not work on new versions of GH. They just preduce errors





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Follow the link, you should find what your looking for friend.

This is the version you're after.

For anyone else that is interested, I have trawled through all my old files and found these: 

As a Zip file they are 200MB+ but I would be happy to send them to someone like Rhino Art to host on their site.

hello,I am new to the grasshopper. I found a grasshopper in thetutorial, but this is the 0.6.0007 version of this tutorial, so I'm looking for 0.6.0007version, this is my mail: qgc.ccc @ Thank you very much. My English is notgood, the rude place, please bear with me. Thank you very much again.

I would prefer to only post previous versions of GH where you have an outdated script that only works in that version. If you are learning GH I would suggest you use the latest version as some of the concepts are very different. As new components get added the best way to do things changes. You will find it much easier to get support on the latest version as it is very hard to answer questions on old versions.


Which tutorial is it that you want to do?

My language is not English, though learned a little bit but still can not read the varioustutorials on the network. I found this tutorial The + Grasshopper + Primer (Second + Edition). pdf, of course, is the translated version. I also found a significant difference between the old and new versions, but the latest tutorial because of language problems can not immediately use, so I would like to find the corresponding version of thegrasshopper be familiar. I will improve my English to be able to read all kinds of information
I just down to the corresponding versions of GH, the venue thanks to kiss you ~ (╯▽╰)

Has this been uploaded yet? I'm after version 0.80006 so I can start playing with Kangaroo, but I cannot find this version anywhere..



download latest version of GH (0.8010) and kangaroo 0.51 ( works perfectly :)
Hi Danny!!!
Sorry but I just saw your reply and yes, shot me a pvt message and we can arrange some FTP connection to upload these files on server.
Take care.

Hi giancarlo, could it be posible for you to share this zip file? thanks



Are these files available? I am needing an older version of Grasshopper - I will host them if you need. Please let me know, thanks-








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