
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it possible to pre-define a number slider for exact values?

For example, I don't want the slider to go from 1 to 10, but only snap between a few values, for example 1,2,6,9.

I'm trying to find the best combination of a few numbers, and I'm using TT Toolbox iteration plug-in, but it only works with sliders as an input, but I would need specific values for the combinations' input.

Any ideas?

Views: 4699

Replies to This Discussion

Hi sas som,
sounds like you want the Value List component. (Params> Input> Value List)

Hello sas som

If this has to be through a slider and not from value list component like Pieter suggests, you can try this. it doesn't snap but allows only the values you want.



Hello sas,

you can right-click the slider and put in your values:



Thank you all for the answers.

Neither of them seems to solve the problem. The input needs to be a Slider which is directly connected, the algorhythm doesn't work other way.

3dcon, thank you for the suggestion. I hoped your solution would be working, but this way the slider still contains all values, not just the specified ones. So TT Toolbox uses the whole range for making the combinations, and that's too much combinations.

Maybe do you know any method to input few numbers, analyse all combinations and choose the best combination based on some aspect?

Hello sas, 

same problem here, did you manage a way?


you can actually "control" (and/or "filter") any slider value.

Notify if you need far more elaborated control (stepped increment for instance, multiple slider control - conditional or not (via nicknames) ... blah blah)



Could it be as simple as this?

I have the same problem. Anyone has the solution?






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