
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

if you have any ideas/problems or questions just let us know ;)

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Hi Thomas, I will discuss with Florian too and let you know if I am missing something - but as far as i see from the tests I did on our models, the component fully fits the everything was needed. Simply great, thanks! Gr, Michela

Hi  to],

I think your work could be useful for me. 

I'm student and I try to do a daylight analysis with a parametric model of a room build with GH linked to Ecotect. Now I need to understand how can I modify with a "number slider" the properties (colour reflectance) of  of  my mesh esported by "exported mesh to ecotect".



Hi Thomas.


Many thanks for your efforts and advice. I'm checking out all the stuff you guys prepared.

About the library: I was experimenting a while ago with daysim and radiance.

That was with an earlier version of Ecotect where I changed the default material library.

Once I installed Ecotect 2011 it kept the daysim library.

I was not aware of that.


We keep you guys updated with the results.





Hi Florian & Michela

thanks and looking forward to see your process.

I didn't used daysim much,what was your experience?....hope we ca soon finish our radiance plugin


Ursula & Tom

Great news you are working with radiance too! My own experience with Daysim is irrelevant so far, I think Florian did more: we are letting you know. Keep in touch very soon, Michela

Hi U&to


I tried Daysim very shortly and it always had problems with my geometry. Therefore I tried Radiance directly from Ecotect using it as a geometry exporter. The materials I defined then directly within the radiance GUI window and did not use any exported ecotect material. During this process I also imported the Daysim material library into Ecotect which is supposedly more relevant for Radiance. But honestly the whole process is a bit of Jungle. I also had a short look at the Diva for Rhino plugin which I have to explore a bit more since it's also doing some "unforeseen" stuff.





You may have already covered this but does Geco and Mesh tools work with Rhino 4 or 5 with the most current version of Grasshopper?




Hi Matt, both are working as normal. We didn't get any bug reports yet and do not really expect one.



sry, i am having yet another request. I am working on a chancing facade element, which is adaptable to the indoors needs. 


So is their away to change the material properties from a parameter inside grashhopper, instead of just picking in ecotect?



please check our manual (startmenu) or example files or the previews posts above



Hi [u to],

Is it possible to analyse solar radiation of a building model with a given site massing? I have been trying to import the building together with the site massing, which took me a lot of time calculating the site also.


Hi Calvin

It is possible, but as you mentioned depends on the mesh-density(can take up to many hours depending on your model and accuracy)

Before you export make sure your facenormals are pointing to the sky


if you need anything else let me know








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