
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Possible to move vertex of mesh while keeping the mesh intact?

Hey guys,

Maybe a very noob question but i have a mesh that has a few point that are "just" off the ZX plane [a result of smoothing operations] is it possible to pull these few buggers back to the plane where they were supposed to be?

I already figured out how to select them [ is Y coordinate in range -5 - 5 ?] but i want to move them [pull object to plane] without exploding the mesh.

Any idea's?

Thanks guys

Views: 2773

Replies to This Discussion

You'll have to explode (i.e. deconstruct) the mesh, then move the points, then construct the mesh again using the old face data and the new point data. Unless you can just apply a single transformation to the entire mesh.


David Rutten

This man deserves a statue...

Spot on exactly what i needed! It was the old face data step that i missed in my head...

Thank you!

Hi David,

What exactly do you mean by using the old face data to transform the mesh?



Hi David,

Is there an easy way to move a mesh face, similarly to the MoveFace command in Rhino for polysrfs? Not sure if there is a MoveFace equivalent for meshes in Rhino; what I currently do is manually select the vertices surrounding the mesh face like so:

In Grasshopper, it can be tricky to figure out exactly which vertices to move:

Is there a better workflow for this?




I guess welding the mesh makes things easier since it throws out the duplicate points:

Still - intuitively I'd want to use ListItem directly on that "F" output of the DeMesh component and move it directly. Is that possible?






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