
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi There,

I think I have a fairly easy problem but yet still could not have solved it. I am using ardunio Uno, stepper motor and adafruit motor shield. I downloaded the stepper motor exercise from firefly. The port number is 3 for my ardunio but when I plug that in to the port input in the quad stepper motor compound it gives me the error: solution exception: input string is not in a correct format. However I just enter a number value, either with a panel or slider or just setting the integer.



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Hello , Satolas ,

     At last , I raise the Baud rate ,, then it works ,,  So I supposed it is because of the transfer speed rate .

     C# doesn't a matter .

      Some one seems comment out some transfer data code seems good too . Thanks 

Hello Winsion :-)

I tried Higher Baud rate but still have the error.
(maybe it work a bit longer but still making error after some time or movements)

- Wich card have you ? Arduino Uno ?
- Wich Baud rate exactly, do you use ?

- And do you set it in Firefly ? (in the open/close port), and On the Arduino Firefly_Quadstepper ?

See you,

Hello , Satolas

      I use 460800 , it is Arduino UNO , 


I ran into the same error, but eventually found that if you comment out the following line in the loop() function (in the current QuadStepper firmata code) it doesn't screw up the component in GH.

// This line crashes the Firefly Stepper Motor component
//if (mask!=0 && maskchanged) Serial.println(mask); //send character for the next line from Firefly

I assume this is because it sends unexpected data back to the component over the Serial connection.  

For me that work and avoid the error, but the problem is by commenting the line I lose the possibility to make a Mouvement list. Wich is a shame.
Maybe another way to write the fact that firefly read the next string could be possible ?


Hi Satolas and Daniel,

The commenting of the line fixed the issue on our side too and it doesn't seem to affect our stepper motor movements as far as we can see, when did you encounter the 'movement list' issue Satolas? Do you guys know if this problem has a more recent solution? 

Many thanks.






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