
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Polysurface to surface? facade and Paneling Tools

Hi, I'm beginner and I have facade generated in grasshopper, then baked. In Rhino I see that my facade is polysurface. Is there any option to convert polysurface to one surface? 

I would like to use Paneling Tools to create panels on my facade but I can't do this because it contains too many surfaces :(

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I think you'll have to create your surface in a different way to get one surface instead of a polysurface.  Maybe you can create a series of cross sections scaled to different sizes at different heights, then use 'Loft' or 'Sweep' to get the single surface result.

Like this:


Did you ever get this to work? I'm having the same problem. I tried loft and sweep and those didn't work either.

Hey, if you are creating a surface with Loft command in Rhino ,in loft options make sure to unselect  "Do not simplfy" option .That is when you will have single surface.






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