
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hello everyone,

i am having a very hard time building a simple structure from equilateral triangles, that have all their sides used as hinges. the idea is to create a composition from these triangular polygons , where i can pick a point and by draging it around, to change the angle between them. i watched and did many many tutorials with grasshopper kangaroo, but the problem in all of them is that they make the polygon become elastic and change the side length, the side length has to remain the same. after so much reading and watching tutorials i start thinking , that simple operation i impossible in grasshopper and kagaroo.

i hope i have described my idea crearly. i posted s structure i build, that should be like an example for the 3d.

i would be glad if someone could help

thank you very much in advance

Views: 9270

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hi daniel ,

im not a big expert in gh, may be that´s why i could not do much with the attached file, you shared - i tried to attach some points into the "grab" parameter, but it did not work.. i guess i should use the "grab" in order to change something in the mesh right?


To use the grab component, you need to hold down the left control key and drag points with the left mouse button like this.

If this is not working, you may need to try turning off the COFF loading option in GrasshopperDeveloperSettings, as described here.

Hello Daniel, I saw your post about this on twitter and I see there you have an image with the surface already made, I cant seem to understand how to create a mesh or a surface out of the kangaroo component. How do i turn the kangaroo output into a mesh or a surface?

Is there any way to have a more precise control over the selected point, for example move it only in the Y axis and move an specific unit like a centimeter or a meter?

And finally, is there any way to snap the points I move with grab to the Rhino grid?

Sorry my bad english
Thank you!






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