
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

can someone tell me how to create a polygon with a certain surface area?

What i want to do is the folowing:

i have 6 spaces, of these spaces i know the surface areas and i know the relations between these spaces. I want to create a sort of voronoi where i know the position the number of sides and the surface area.

Views: 1963

Replies to This Discussion

Hey Ronald,

I had a similar problem once. Take a look here.

Scale a surface with a specific area could be a good start, you could implement scaling specific lines if you want that some sides don't change.

Hey Jesus, Erick

both helpful. implement scaling specific lines is actually something to look into. especially since i want to connect different polygons, where i can manipulate each area and the number of sides. 


basically i am looking into translating an architectural program of demands (functions with their resp. floor areas) + relation scheme (what function connects to what function) into an optimal floor plan/floor area scheme.

Perhaps what you are intending is a "Weighted Voronoi", that is, a voronoi construction in which instead of each point having equal pulling strenght, you can control the pulling strenght of each point. 

I did such definition a couple of years ago. Try looking here. Keep in mind that those definitions are two years old and may be outdated. But it should be a nice starting point. 

Thanks Jesus,

I will look into it.

I thought the problem i want to solve was pretty simple....turns out it is not :) Back to the drawing board.

Hey Ronald,

Im having the same issue. im trying to crate polygons with specific area. where the area of the no of polygons is fixed but its like the sides of polygon and position vary. so can u help me with this coz i tried a few thing but it seems its nt working






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