
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I use the SAME logic to generate a series of circles.Then I divided these circles with divide component.However,the kinks(points) order in each circles are NOT the same:the points order on first several circles are clockwise,while the points on the rest of the circles are counter-clockwise.Could someone help me with this problem?

Views: 2022


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This could be one way

Really thanks,Kim. but could you share your ghx file?cause Im new to gh and not quite familiar with the components yet

Here it is.


you have a index order problem. If you take the Divide component you get something like this:

when you take a line as a start for your division, you can take the the first set of points and make a polar order. See below:

and the solution. GH 0.9.76 needed.


Theres not a GH Problem, it´s the Lines in Rhino. One Line ist Drawn from one direction and the other one is drawn the other way round. Lines have directions like surfaces. Change the direction of your 2nd line and your definition will work. Youll find it in the lines tab in Rhino. (or... you can use the chance direction component in GH but thats bogus) :-)






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