
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all, I'm a really new grasshopper user,
I have a problem to understand how to use the "POINT IN CURVE" node, onece I've found the relationships (0=ousite, 1=on the curve, 2=inside the curve), how can I select the desired points?

I think i need an IF statement like:
if the result of "POINT IN CURVE" node is 2 or 1, than select those points.

How can i do it?

I prepared an example to try to understand, I want to move the points on the circle and inside the cirle along Z axis. And I'd like it will work with all possible points sets, not only with this one (so the "LIST ITEM NODE" it's not enought)

Can anyone help me?

Thank you in advance!

Views: 18135


Replies to This Discussion


You can convert relationship value to boolean value.


Thank you for the fast response! it is perfect! 

Just a curiosity, if I want to use only the points on the circle or in the circle, can I modify the boolean node to pick just one of the 3 numbers?

Try use "equality" component.

Thank you vert very much!

I Just made a more simple configuration to help people understand this Node (POINT IN A CURVE).
Just to return the favor :)
Thank you again!


Thanks for showing the simple way on how to tackle this!





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