
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

point on curve (CurvePoint) should support numeric input

the point on curve component seems like it would be much more useful if it could support numeric input between 0 and 100 rather than simply acting as a slider for point placement on a curve, for example so that one component could be used to place multiple points on a curve at controlled intervals, or placing points on multiple curves at different percentages using a single component.


would it be possible to implement this in the near future? i thought about this issue a few versions ago but didn't make a request as it seemed to be such a basic feature that i thought someone else would have. if anyone has a simple workaround id be happy to hear it also, or if im missing something painfully obvious please enlighten me. thanks!

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eval curve component. By the way you can consider point on curve as a percentage as it sets domain from 0 to 1 (0 percent to 100 percent). If you want multiple numbers ect. use eval curve and set curve input to reparametrize. and feed it numbers between 0 to 1.

yeah thatll work, many thanks





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