
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all ! 


maybe it's a stupid requirement. i followed  all steps on dimitre's website but it's still not work. i tried to find the way to used Qhull in 2 days and finally i had to give up. i red some discussion about Qhull in this forum. i think many people here have the problem like me.

i wonder the qhull file i downloaded from is used for ??? ( because we download it and do nothing wiht this).

please make a video tut for a clearly instruction.




thanks for reading! 


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It works here. You have to edit the vb script to go to where your qhull file is. It's line 101 I believe. Direct it to the voroni portion of qhull. I have no comp at the moment so I can't be more detailed as I set it up awhile ago.

i got it!! thanks you so much Michael Pryor


Should I locate the Qhull Folder or qvoronoi.exe?? Can you be a bit specific.

Yes point the vb script to qvoroni.exe location on your computer.

Actually I feel like it will be really helpful if any one can make a qhull tutorial video......

My 3d voronoi still doesn't work.






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