Hi guys,
my first post and first project here, i hope many more will follow. I learned GH through the primer and a workshop by Luis Fraguada in Berlin in Oktober - thanks again Luis!
It's a conceptual piece of architecture - a contemporary version of Plato's cave. The cave was the symbol for visual knowledge as unreliable and deceptive as opposed to the highest form of knowledge: the eternal forms in heaven or the Platonic solids. As empirical knowledge turned out as essential as math in the discovery of the world, we want to rethink the cave as a revaluation or an upgrade of the visual and the accidental. So we looked for ways of combining the freeform of the cave with the rigidly defined geometry of the Platonic solids. First idea was to make a sort of 3D tiling system with fragments of the solids that would combine into a flexible skin.
This is the most efficient system i've found out yet - thanks to a suggestion from Corneel Cannaerts, also a member here. By using spacefilling regular honeycomb structures (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convex_uniform_honeycomb) and connecting it to some freeform surface I achieved what I have in mind. (in fact, i suspect the skins you can produce with uniform honeycombs are the only possible solutions for 3D tilings with regular 2d polygons, but i'm not sure).
I've attached the 3dm file with the solids, the ghx with the code and some explanation, and one sketchup image to give you a quick idea of the concept.