Hi All,
I need a simplest solution for intersection problem, where the method RhUtil.RhinoCurveBrepIntersect doesn't work.
I have a m-number list of OnLine and n-number list of OnSurface(m<>n)
and I could imagine that it works with follows logic, but it's doesn't :(
Sub RunScript(ByVal arrSrf As List(Of OnSurface), ByVal arrLines As List(Of OnLine))
Dim pts As New List(Of On3dPoint)
Dim pts_B As New List(Of On3dPoint)
For Each plSrf As onBrep In arrSrf
For i As int32=0 To arrLines.count - 1
Dim points As On3dPointArray = Nothing
Dim overlaps As OnCurve()
If (Not RhUtil.RhinoCurveBrepIntersect(arrLines.item(i), plSrf, 0.0001, overlaps, points)) Then Continue For
If (points.Count() = 0) Then Continue For
Next i
A = pts
End Sub
Any Sugestions?
Thank you and Best!