
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Placing random points in a limited space with a minimum distance between each

Hi everyone, i've got a question so hope someone can help me...

I'm trying to "simulate" a forest with some of its trees and the thing is..

Given a region (the area generated by some lines), i want to use a random component to generate a certain amount of points... ok, i know i can use the RANDOM comp. I choose a number and voila, random point are genrated.


How can i make this point ONLY appear inside my limited region


How can i make this point have a minimum separating distance between (for example, points should be between 1.5/3 units one from another, not more, not less)

Hope i explained myself... here i did some sketches wich i hope explain..

I think i can make a surface in rhino, and make point appear on that surf.. but how?


Views: 4586


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The populate components will space out the points more or less evenly as in your sketch. To figure out the number of points divide the area of your region by the density you want to achieve.

You can either turn your region curve into a trimmed surface and use the populate geometry component, or use the populate 2d component on the bounding rectangle of your region and filter out the exterior points using the point in curve component.

Hi, thanks for the answer...

Im not really used to rhino/GH, so there are some thing i dont understand..

What do you mean by "divide the area of your region by the density you want to achieve."? i mean, is there a component or something? (I dont know how to measure areas...)

And how can i divide a surf into a trimmed surf?

Thanks :)

When I say region, I mean a closed curve that defines the boundary of your forest. You can convert it into a trimmed surface using the "boundary surfaces" component. There is also an "area" component to calculate the area. So you have to divide between two numbers (area and desired density).






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