
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Placing a point on the center of a face of a surface?

How can I place a point in the center of any face on this box?

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Hi Luke,

best would be to Explode the box (so you get 6 rectangular faces), then use the Area component to find the Area centroid point of each face.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

awesome, that works!

I ran into a problem, it seems that when you have faces overlapping or points overlapping, you can't find them (it won't highlight in green because there is an un-highlighted point or face on top of it in red). Is there a way to force the point or face you have selected to the 'top'?

edit: i just found out you can turn off preview for one of the points and that solves this problem, still would be useful to have a 'bring to front' type option. this GUI is really sexy btw

and to get the center of the box itself use volume.

well that was my next question but area does the same thing for the center too, as long as I don't explode

new problem - how do I extract just one point (point 0 for example) from the list of vertices points??

list item component, as I said in the other post, I strongly suggest you read the primer(s) and all these basic questions will be answered. Otherwise you will many avoidable questions.

please, just read it.

I have it open already as well as all the other resources I found for GH. I found out about rhino and GH about 72 hours ago and haven't left my apartment since or done anything but sleep, read, play around on, post questions, download gh examples, and watch videos on GH. I'm not in a huge rush, I've given myself a 2 year time frame to master GH, I'm just trying to supplement what I'm learning from the one-way information channels (books, vids) with the expert knowledge from this forum, if I was a replicator (Stargate reference) I could work night and day dry-reading books I don't easily understand with a dictionary in my hand, but I need relevant bits of stuff to learn to keep me motivated or I'll just burn out. I sincerely appreciate your help (and others help) more than anything, if I'm asking too much or distracting too much of someones time just ignore me - I've asked David if I should just keep all questions in one thread instead of making new ones and he said I should probably make new ones, you imply that I ask too much questions just as I suspected I did, so idk what to do now. Maybe someone else will chime in

I think your questions are great, but alot of them are in those materials, hence why I suggest them. It is only for your benifiet. There is never to many questions but sometimes the answer is readily available. also note the search bar to the right side of the forum. Just trying to help you out in the long run. So please ask away but also do not be afraid to search.

also, check out Davids webinar.

also note, like most things in life, there are many solutions to problems, for instance finding the center of a face, here is 3 different ways but we see the middle option takes less computational time. So as your definitions grow computation power will also become a factor.






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