
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I don't know if I'm missing the obvious, but is it possible to pin grasshopper definition files in the Recent Files list?

Thanks again

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You mean in the Grasshopper Recent Files timeline? No, files get added automatically when they are opened and saved, it's a Recently Used list, not a Favourites list. I could make it so that it's both of course, but I'm somewhat hesitant about that.

What problem are you looking to solve exactly?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I thought it could work like the Recent File List in Word or Autocad. 

Well, I have a definition which is kinda like an assets toolbox where I keep several components, panel types with different colors or fonts, sliders... Its always in the Recent File list, but sometimes it gets drawn way down. 


I have neither of those applications, could you post a screenshot or direct me to a tutorial/video that shows this?

Alternatively, would it make sense to be able to put entire GH file into the Tabs?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I did not know you could put a file into the Tabs. Do you have any reference on how its done?

It can't be done at the moment but it's something I can add.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

"put entire GH file into the Tabs"


Hi David, I like this idea !!  Some gh defs would be used frequently ,so if we can put them into one particular tab ,it would be very very useful!!

hey i like the idea too =)






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