
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am having some significant performance issues with some really basic stuff. 


Windows 7 Enterprise SP1

2 - Intel Xeon CUP X5450 @ 3.00 GHz


64-bit OS

73.9 of 136 (140) GB hdd used

I set one curve in Rhino, Extrude it 82000mm and that's it. It takes between 4 and 5 seconds but doesn't even register on the profiler. A more advanced definition that registers a maximum of 53ms takes about 5 minutes.

I attached the GH file but I don't think there is any need to look at it as it is just two components.

It only seems to be in a particular Rhino file but I cannot share it for professional reasons. I also should mention that I work primarily on networked drives and when I open a new file and set one curve it takes exactly as long as it should, which is no time at all.

Any ideas?

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Replies to This Discussion

The time it takes to mesh the surfaces and breps for preview purposes is not included in the profiler. Either disable the preview for the extrusion component or switch to wireframe only preview.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Update: cleared the file of all non-used geometry and it still doesn't work. See attached and sorry if I crashed anyone's machine.


is your curve very far from 0,0,0 coordinate? Being to far away can make even small processes very slow. 

The preview also seems to be clipping wrongly. Which is quite odd, the boundingbox component has no trouble finding the box for your extruded shape, yet the preview seems unable to do so.

I'll dig a bit further, but the problem is definitely to do with preview and meshing.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

100% certainty on fixing this issue. Michael Pryor is absolutely right about distance from origin and one of my internal thoughts, using mm for very large projects, were combined to create an impossibly difficult preview for rhino. Moving the project to the origin, and/or using meters instead of mm fixes this issue completely. 

Origin distance has a greater impact than unit size. Mesh preview can take up to 20 seconds with a distance of 500,000mm (500m) from the origin and less than a quarter second at the origin. 

Unit size seems to have about half the impact that distance from origin does. 

Thanks all






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