
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,


Trying to perforate the skin of my pavilion but I can't seem to cut the circles out??? The circles are there ready to cut but i dont know what i am doing wrong?




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you do realize, according to your screenshot your split surface component is disabled, enable it. 

Have you tried baking the surface and the circles and doing the split process within rhino. If it does not work in rhino then there is perhaps nothing wrong with your script. Are you circles still planar or have they been projected into the surface?  

the definition is fine, it is mine (I can tell by the graft of the points then immediately flattening, I do this stuff to track my definitions :) ) anyway split surface is just a really lengthy process in both gh and rhino, just got to wait it out. Or in a must have now worst case, photoshop the circles. 






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